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As summer approaches, the buzz of excitement fills the air for both guests and hosts seeking refreshing drinks for their celebrations.

For bartenders, the season isn’t just a time of hot summer weather; it’s an opportunity to shake up creativity, stir in new flavors, and pour out passion behind the bar. Whether it’s crafting the perfect cocktail at Calgary’s rooftop bars, or shaking it up at private parties, we’ve got you covered with these special tips.

  1. Know Your Summer Cocktails: Summer brings its own set of popular cocktails like mojitos, piña coladas, margaritas, and caesars. These classics are always popular, but check out  20 summer cocktails that are sure to please any crowd on a hot day. Even better – add something special to one or two to make it your very own signature cocktail for the summer.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Speaking of hot days, summertime gigs can be physically demanding, especially if you’re working outside. Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your shift to maintain your energy levels. Sometimes having an electrolyte drink on hand can be helpful.
  3. Be Responsible: For both hosts and guests alike, summer often means increased alcohol consumption. Always be sure to be on the watch for alcohol intake by guests and prioritize responsible service. Remember your ProServe training to know when to cut someone off and/or ask for ID (even at private parties). Keep cab phone numbers handy for anyone who may be impaired.
  4. Master the Art of Efficiency: With increased parties during the coming months, efficiency is key. Organize your bar station effectively, pre-prep ingredients when possible, and brush up on your bartending skills. Metropolitan School of Bartending has a series of courses to make anyone a professional in time for the summer season.
  5. Embrace the Summer Vibe: Be a host yourself to add to the summer atmosphere for guests. Play upbeat music, try using Flair Bartending Techniques, and engage with everyone in a friendly and enthusiastic manner.

As you seek your next summer bartending gig try these tips to get you a reputation among the best in town. You can be the bartender where every pour tells a story and every cocktail is a work of art.